=== Changelog for the Simple Custom CSS & JS Pro plugin === = 4.39 * 11/15/2024 * Fix: add nuance for the "in Block editor" option for websites with WP before v6.6 and after = 4.38 = * 09/24/2024 * Feature: add JS/CSS custom codes to the Block editor * Fix: show the handle for resizing the editor along the height = 4.37 = * 05/28/2024 * Fix: filter the allowed custom codes for the page only if there is a valid list of allowed custom codes * Fix: use the GMT time for showing when a custom code was published or modified * Tweak: remove the kebab-case rule from the CSS linting * Tweak: load the SASS preprocessor only when saving SASS custom codes = 4.36 = * 02/06/2024 * Tweak: replace the CSSLint library with the https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint library * Tweak: update the JSHint library = 4.35 = * 11/13/2023 * Fix: remove the qTranslate-x warning. The qTranslate-x plugin was removed from wp.org since Aug 2021 * Tweak: update the Bootstrap and jQuery library links = 4.34 = * 06/07/2023 * Feature: add the Wikimedia's library for preprocessing the Less code * Compatibility with the WooCommerce "Custom Order Tables" feature = 4.33 = * 05/03/2023 * Fix: custom codes don't show up on frontend if a "network-wide" option is enabled = 4.32 = * 03/14/2023 * Fix: build the "custom-css-js-urls" array also after the license key was deactivated * Fix: PHP8.1 deprecation notices * Fix: after adding a JS/HTML custom code with empty content will show the CSS default message in the editor = 4.31 = * 01/17/2023 * Feature: multiple values for the "Where in site" option * Fix: show the completion hints also when the editor is in the fullscreen mode * Fix: the "LH Archived Post Status" plugin was removing the "Publish" button on the add/edit custom code page = 4.30 = * 10/12/2022 * Feature: enqueue the jQuery library if one of the JS custom codes requires it * Feature: code folding in the editor * Tweak: update the "scssphp/scssphp" library to the latest 1.11.0 version = 4.29 = * 06/14/2022 * Fix: if the "File Renaming on Upload" plugin is installed, then don't rename the files with the 'css', 'js', 'html' extensions * Fix: update CSS linter to allow comma in CSS pseudo-selectors and allow custom properties * Feature: save the custom code upon "Ctrl-S" in the editor = 4.28 = * 03/22/2022 * Tweak: update the EDD Plugin Updater library * Tweak: add instructions about the "JS Linting Options" to the Help screen * Fix: check for the scssphp library's version. If another plugin loads an older version of scssphp, where the 'compileString' method is missing, then an error is shown = 4.27 = * 02/05/2022 * Tweak: compile SASS code with the "scssphp/scssphp" library for PHP>7.2 * Fix: show the SASS/LESS compiling errors after clicking the "Publish/Update" button * Fix: allow a query component in the preview page's URL = 4.26 = * 11/24/2021 * Fix: escape labels on the "Add new custom code" page * Fix: the URL matching is now done on the encoded and decoded version of the URL * Tweak: update the matthiasmullie/Minify library to the latest Jul 2021 commit * Feature: Keep the last cursor position in the editor and let the editor get focus when the page loads = 4.25 = * 06/07/2021 * Fix: linting SASS - allow "!important" rule and tabs as indentation * Fix: catch and show the throwable errors and exceptions from WP Conditional Tags in the admin * Tweak: when a SASS partial is saved, the SASS code that imports the partial needs to be compiled to CSS * Tweak: add the "ccj_code_editor_settings" filter for modifying the editor's options = 4.24 = * 03/11/2021 * Fix: allow the TablePress plugin to load its JS files on the "Add custom code" page in admin * Fix: fatal error with PHP8.0 * Update the JSHint library to to v2.12.0 = 4.23 = * 02/01/2021 * Feature: add "Allow custom JS codes to the login page in subsites" option on multisite WP installations for the super admin * Tweak: small adjustments for compatibility with PHP 8.0 and jQuery 3.5.1 * Fix: before loading the Minify class check if it already loaded = 4.22 = * 11/07/2020 * Fix: add SameSite attribute to the theme cookie * Fix: don't load the theme.css file in the backend * Fix: the "Apply only on these Pages" rules are case-insensitive, just like the WordPress permalinks = 4.21.4 = * 10/02/2020 * Fix: error when filtering the custom codes * Fix: incompatibility with the Max Mega Menu plugin = 4.21.3 = * 08/20/2020 * Fix: remove the "variable-no-property" and "no-ids" rules from SASS linting * Fix: add "Cmd + " editor shortcuts for MacOS computers * Fix: the user language preferrence was ignored in favor of the site defined language * Fix: allow the jQuery library added by plugins like Enable jQuery Migrate Helper or Test jQuery Updates * Fix: permalink was not editable with WordPress 5.5 = 4.21.2 = * 07/14/2020 * Fix: use file_get_contents instead of include_once to load the custom codes = 4.21 = * 07/08/2020 * Feature: "Ctrl + /" in the editor will comment out the code * Feature: order custom codes table by "type" and "active" state * Fix: shortcodes not working on subsites from multisite installations = 4.20.3 = * 06/06/2020 * Fix: PHP warning if empty string is used in a "URL starts with ..." rule = 4.20.2 = * 05/31/2020 * Fix: compatibility issue with the Product Slider for WooCommerce by ShapedPlugin * Fix: PHP warning in case the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable is missing = 4.20.1 = * 05/07/2020 * Fix: HTML code set to "Both" devices doesn't show up on mobile devices * Check and declare compatibility with WC4.1 = 4.20 = * 04/24/2020 * Feature: don't show type attribute for script and style tags if the theme adds html5 support for it * Code refactory * Fix: the permalink was mistakingly showing a ".css" file extension when being edited = 4.19 = * 03/19/2020 * Check and declare compatibility with WC4.0 * Check and declare compatibility with WP5.4 = 4.18 = * 02/02/2020 * Feature: color the matching brackets in the editor * Fix: date Published and Modified date wasn't shown in Japanese = 4.17 = * 12/19/2019 * Fix: codes limited only to homepage were showing on all the pages * Feature: editor autocomplete on keyup * Feature: add "After tag" option for HTML codes, if the theme allows it = 4.16.1 = * 11/05/2019 * Declare compatibility with WP5.3 and WC3.8 = 4.16 = * 10/23/2019 * Fix: preview wasn't working under certain conditions = 4.15 = * 10/02/2019 * Feature: Linting for SASS code * Feature: permalink slug for custom codes = 4.14 = * 09/08/2019 * Compatibility with the "CMSMasters Content Composer" plugin * Option: remove the comments from the HTML = 4.13 = * 05/08/2019 * Fix: remove the CodeMirror library added from the WP Core * Tweak: use protocol relative urls for custom code linked file * Declare compatibility with WordPress 5.2 = 4.12 = * 04/21/2019 * Tweak: rename "First Page" to "Homepage" to avoid misunderstandings * Add CCJ_WP_CONDITIONALS constant that turns off the WP Conditional Tags from being executed * Fix: update the Bootstrap library used in the admin side to 3.4.1 version = 4.11 = * 03/09/2019 * Fix: avoid conflicts with other plugins that use CodeMirror as their editor = 4.10 = * 12/07/2018 * Fix: the Edit Custom Code page was blank for WordPress 5.0 and the Classic Editor enabled = 4.9 = * 09/10/2018 * 10/09/2018 * Feature: add the add/edit/delete custom post capabilities to the admin and 'css_js_designer' roles on plugin activation * Fix: add to the admin the capabilities of the custom-css-js custom post = 4.8 = * 09/04/2018 * Fix: rebuild the custom-css-js-tree when activating the pro version, otherwise some HTML codes don't show up in the frontend * Fix: keep the editor LTR even on RTL websites * Fix: catch the syntax errors from WP Conditional Tags * Fix: on multi-site installations any HTML code from the subsite was replaced with one from the main site = 4.7 = * 07/13/2018 * New: allow importing one custom code from another for Less/SASS CSS codes * Fix: PHP warning at "Apply only on these Pages" if the JSON is not properly formatted * Fix: the default comment for JS for other locales than "en_" was removing the tags * Tweak: add some missing translations * Tweak: make the search dialog persistent * Tweak: use default codemirror.js scrollbar style instead of "simple" in order to avoid conflicts with other plugins * New: allow shortcodes in a custom HTML code = 4.6 = * 05/15/2018 * Tweak: hide the license key on the Settings page * Tweak: design the custom codes table for screens smaller than 786px * Fix: check all the functions if exists before declaring them * Fix: the time accounts also for the timezone = 4.5 = * 04/15/2018 * Fix: PHP warning when displaying time for PHP 7.2.x * Tweak: use the CSS and JS minifier from Matthias Mullie * Fix: remove ";" character from the "WP Conditional Tags" * Tweak: compatibility with WP Quads Pro plugin = 4.4 = * 03/28/2018 * Fix: the codes table was squeezed to 70% of the screen width * Fix: it was impossible to turn off the "Apply network wide" option * Change: check the option name against an array of allowed values * Tweak: tinyMCE menu, add "No shortcodes defined" message * Tweak: show the network defined shortcodes in the tinyMCE menu * Tweak: show an "Network wide" icon in the table of custom codes = 4.3 = * 03/10/2018 * Fix: deleting a rule from "Apply on these pages" was mistakenly deleting two rule * Fix: date format on the Custom Codes table list * Tweak: redesign the Settings page * Tweak: show more information about the license = 4.2 = * 02/20/2018 * Fix: error undefined ccj_editor_theme * Tweak: show notice to uninstall the free version = 4.1 = * 02/16/2018 * Fix: use the `login_init` hook for the login page = 4.0 = * 02/11/2018 * Feature: Network-wide custom codes * Option "Use HTTPS for the main site" for MultiSite installations * Fix: change syntax highlighting for Less and Sass * Tweak: for post.php and post-new.php page show code's title in the page title * Fix: allow admin stylesheets from ACF plugin, otherwise it breaks the post.php page * Feature: lint on editor = 3.15 = * 01/23/2018 * Tweak: "Apply only on these Pages" accepts also absolute URLs * Tweak: add Editor Shortcuts to the Help area * Feature: auto close brackets for the editor * Feature: autocomplete on Ctrl + Space = 3.14 = * 01/15/2018 * Feature: add the "Encode the HTML tags" option = 3.13 = * 01/12/2018 * Feature: add the "Keep the HTML entities, don't convert to its character" option = 3.12 = * 01/08/2018 * Fix: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/footer-code-position-before-external-scripts-is-overridden/ * Fix: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/annoying-bug-in-text-editor/ = 3.11 = * 03/01/2018 * 01/03/2018 * Feature: add filter by code type * Feature: make the 'Modified' column sortable * Fix: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/broken-layout-of-code-snippet-type-color-tag-css-html-js-on-main-list-table/ * Fix: if the default comment remains in the "Add Custom JS", then there was no 'script' tags added to the code, as the comment contained a 'script' tag = 3.10 = * 11/14/2017 * Fix: change the ids of the loaded assets in admin in order to avoid conflicts * Fix: remove the iframe footer hook in order to avoid conflict with the `HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter` plugin * Fix: for revisions set the modal with `top` instead of `margin-top` = 3.9 = * 10/19/2017 * Declare compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2 (https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2017/08/28/new-version-check-in-woocommerce-3-2/) * Fix: avoid conflicts with other plugins that implement the CodeMirror editor * Update the CodeMirror library to the 5.28 version = 3.8 = * 09/29/2017 * Fix: "Apply only on these Pages: First Page" needs to use home_url() instead of get_option('home') for multi-site installations * Fix: allow the "Please activate the license" meta box = 3.7 = * 09/07/2017 * Fix: compatibility with the CSS Plus plugin = 3.6 = * 08/06/2017 * Fix: show the preview also when there are no other codes defined * Tweak: comment about linking an external JS = 3.5 = * 07/27/2017 * Feature: prepare the plugin for translation * Tweak: show date according to the get_option('date_format') * Fix: the Custom Codes table is responsive for narrower screens * Fix: initialize the codes with `wp` on frontend and `init` on backend. = 3.4 = * 07/15/2017 * Fix: rename the EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class to avoid conflicts with other plugins that update with this class * Security fix according to VN: JVN#31459091 / TN: JPCERT#91837758 * Add activate/deactivate link to row actions and in Publish box * Make the activate/deactivate links work with AJAX * Feature: option for adding Codes to the Login Page = 3.3 = * 06/13/2017 * Fix: compatibility issue with the HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter plugin * Fix: remove htmlentities in the editor = 3.2 = * 04/04/2017 * Fix: allow codes in the backend = 3.1 = * 12/22/2016 * Feature: use WP Conditional Tags to restrict code * Feature: wrap the lines in the editor * Feature: Beautify Code editor button * Feature: Fullscreen editor button * Fix: cURL error because the activation license was done on silkypress.com:80 = 3.0 = * 11/07/2016 * Feature: shortcodes functionality for the HTML codes * Check: compatibility with WordPress 4.7 = 2.9 = * 11/03/2016 * Fix: when Toolset Types plugin was enabled, the editor lost the colors = 2.8 = * 10/16/2016 * Fix: add stripslashes before preprocessors or minifiers, not after * Fix: on activation along the free version there was a warning because both plugins used the same CCJ_VERSION constant = 2.7 = * 10/14/2016 * Feature: keep the cursor position after saving * Fix: for empty allowed_codes() the search_tree() was still printed = 2.6 = * 08/24/2016 * Feature: add HTML code * Feature: choose priority for the codes = 2.5 = * 08/03/2016 * Feature: Search functionality for the editor * Feature: add "Add CSS Code" and "Add JS Code" buttons in order to be consequent with the WP admin interface * Fix: make the editor wrapper adapt as width to the editor's line numbers gutter * Fix: adapt the editor wrapper theme to the editor's theme * Fix: incompatibility with other plugins that load CodeMirror (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/almost-everything-disabled) * Fix: show warning when qTranslate is activated (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/conflict-with-qtranslate-x-2) * Compatibility with WP 4.6: the "Modified" column in the Codes listing was empty = 2.4 = * 07/01/2016 * Fix: PHP warning for no codes in the $allowed_codes array * Feature: change the editor's scrollbar so it can be caught with the mouse = 2.3 = * 06/24/2016 * Feature: "Debug Info" tab to the settings in order to help debugging * Fix: when the Allowed Codes is empty, the Search Tree was not filtered = 2.2 = * 06/12/2016 * Initial commit